Now in its tenth edition, the Introduction to the Practice of Statistics has become the classic textbook for teaching statistics. Showing students how to produce and interpret data from real-world contexts, it guides them through the type of data gathering and analysis that working statisticians do every day. Now available with the tenth edition , Achieve, Macmillan's new, ground-breaking online learning platform, connects the text's market-defi ning approach of preparing students for the application of statistics in the real world to rich digital resources that promote statistical thinking. Featuring intuitive design, assessment, insights, and co-designed with students, educators, and our Learning Science and Insights team, Achieve supports students at every step in the learning process. Robust tutorial-style assessment in Achieve helps students develop problem-solving and statistical reasoning skills. More than 3,000 homework questions, answer-specifi c feedback that coach students toward the correct answer, and a variety of additional digital resources promote engagement, retention, and success in introductory statistics. Visit for more information on our research, methods, and results.