I took out my heart, and his fold was five folds, then I presented it to it, I took it from me, I applied to it, the surrendered paper did not open for its destiny to read what was in it, I just looked at it with a tug as if nothing, then she threw it to the speeding cars. At the end of the night I returned with an empty chest, whenever I click on it, he made voices lost and nostalgia, and crying comes from a distant world, I was hearing the sound of winds crossing my chest, and I feel cold, brutal and fear. Whenever the cars passed over the lost paper that lost their way to return, the letters fly between the wheels, until they gathered on the side of the road suffering, followed her on her way to her home, she went up behind the stairs, surrounded her, she was whenever she put her head over her pill With dizzy sleep, the drugs that the doctors recommended did not redeem, and for years, it has not been stacked in an open window on a cloudy city.