Jack Davis, Las Vegas Police Detective is reeling from having lost his star witness in a murder case.
He has fallen in love with the enigmatical, lovely woman Alexis Wright.
But for her safety, relinquished the waif-like enchantress to the more capable hands of the U.S. Marshalls who promptly place his 'Weena' into the Witness Relocation Program, to protect her life.
Or...did they.
Jack has no memory of that day, in reality and only knows what others have told him.
He senses something amiss but...life goes on, they say. Especially when a guy has no other choice.
Seven long, lonely months later, a series of murders supposedly committed by a vampire, for the victims are drained of blood and exhibit two puncture wounds on their jugular, bring both cases to a chilling, unexpected end.
But they may also bring Captain Jack Davis the 'happy ending' he has always imagined was for the other guy...but never for himself.