Imagine what you can accomplish when you make very few mistakes in life. Sometimes, we make mistakes because we do not want to learn from the experiences of those who have taken the lead. The truth is that a man cannot get to where God is taking him unless he is willing to learn from those who have walked with Him. That is one of the reasons we have His word - to study.
The microscope of God's word is on Joseph. A careful study of his life reveals lessons and truths that have stood the test of time and without which we cannot rise to the throne of our destiny in Him.
Lessons from Joseph's life is undoubtedly the book for you if you want to be successful in every area of your life - business, marriage, ministry, relationships, etc. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, it is armed to provide and equip you with insight for a deeper walk with God. You cannot miss your destiny by applying its content.
It is a masterpiece loaded with ammunitions of divine wisdom to get you where you must be. It was written and carefully tailored just for you to guide in the journey and affairs of greatness.