He was born in 1979 in San José, Costa Rica. He is a photographer and writer. He is the author of the book Heavy Metals (ECR, 2009, Ancora Award for short story in 2010), El Diluvio Universal (Germinal, 2009, Ancora Award for a novel in 2010), Combustion Humana Espontanea (Germinal, 2015), Anatomia Comparada (Encino, 2017, Aquileo J. Echeverria National Award for short stories), Tierras Raras (Encino, 2019), and Horca (Punto de Vista Editores, 2022, Mario Monteforte Toledo Central American Award in 2021). He compiled, along with Juan Murillo, the anthology Historias de Nunca Acabar: Antología del Nuevo Relato Costarricense (ECR, 2009). He co-directs, along with Murillo, Ediciones Lanzallamas. Several of his short stories have been translated into French, English, Portuguese, and German.