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Obstetrics for Schools (Macfarlane, Rachel)
Obstetrics for Schools
Untertitel Eliminating failure and ensuring the safe delivery of all learners
Autor Macfarlane, Rachel
Verlag Crown House Publishing
Sprache Englisch
Mediaform Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
Seiten 272 S.
Artikelnummer 36003078
ISBN 978-1-78583-565-0
Plattform EPUB
Kopierschutz Wasserzeichen
CHF 24.70
InObstetrics for Schools: A guide to eliminating failure and ensuring the safe delivery of all learners, Rachel Macfarlane presents a powerful manifesto for school leaders and teachers on how they can bridge the advantage gap and deliver positive outcomes for all pupils.In most parts of the world, the death of a baby in childbirth is now a rare tragedy rather than a common occurrence - and it would be considered shocking for medical staff to accept a significant infant fatality rate. It's also inconceivable that a hospital would have a successful delivery target much below 100%.How could anything else be acceptable in this day and age?Yet there is an expectation, and acceptance, of 'baked in' educational failure for around a third of 16-year-olds in UK schools each year. Such outcomes need addressing, and this book does just that.InObstetrics for Schools, Rachel Macfarlane draws on her experience as a head teacher and system leader to share a multitude of practical strategies for overcoming potential barriers to success, presenting case studies and examples of effective practice from schools across the country.The book illustrates an up-to-date and research-informed picture of the current state of the education system and offers sage guidance on how schools can do more for each and every student. In doing so, Rachel provides a range of fresh approaches to school provision which have been proven to have an impact in a variety of challenging contexts.Each chapter focuses on a key potential barrier to success and offers school leaders and practitioners a range of strategies to help dismantle them. The book also provides guidance on strategic planning, as well as a variety of ideas and inspiration for staff training.Suitable for school leaders and teachers in all phases, from early years to sixth form, and in both mainstream and special education.

Rachel Macfarlane is the Director of Education Services at Herts for Learning and has previously served as head teacher at three contrasting schools over a sixteen-year period. Between 2009 and 2018 Rachel was project director of the London Leadership Strategy's Going for Great (G4G) programme, which involved working with leaders of outstanding schools to share good practice and produce case studies for dissemination to London schools.