This unique anthology collects personal stories and leadership lessons from six highly-ranked officers across all branches of service.
In Breaching the Summit, six senior enlisted advisors to the joint chiefs of staff share their stories, experiences, and lessons learned from a lifetime of military service. In their own words, each tells how they got their start, how mentors encouraged them along the way, and how they eventually became the highest-ranking enlisted member in their respective services. Their personal stories illustrate battle-tested principles of successful leadership that are applicable in all walks of life.
The authors include Ken Preston, 13th Sergeant Major of the Army (retired); Mike Barrett, 17th Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps (retired); Rick West, 12th Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy (retired); James Roy, 16th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force (retired); Denise Jelinski-Hall, Senior Enlisted Advisor to the National Guard Bureau (retired); and Skip Bowen, 10th Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard (retired).
"Books on leadership are many, but none are as practical, clear, and proven as Breaching the Summit." -Adm. Gary Roughead, US Navy (retired)