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No, It's Just You (Saulters, Andrew)
No, It's Just You
Untertitel A Memoir in 70 One-Act Plays and One Montage
Autor Saulters, Andrew
Verlag Scuppernong Editions
Sprache Englisch
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2018
Seiten 106 S.
Artikelnummer 31819004
ISBN 978-1-73293-281-4
Auflage 18002 A. 2nd edition
CHF 28.50
Vertriebsrecht geändert. Andere Ausgabe?

If a word is repeated at a regular interval, the eventual result is simple music. In these one-act plays and montage transcribed from public conversations, Andrew Saulters fumbles in the pursuit of such music. Will he find it? Could he?