In 1967, a young mother of three is visited by a stranger who astral projects himself to her, opening the door to the supernatural realm. Then her marriage to a musician catapulted her into a world that would take a lifetime to escape.
Author Marsha Geoghagan shares her journey of discovering the true meaning of darkness, that although invisible to this world, was very real indeed, and what couldn't be seen beforehand was now present and visible. She saw the light and the dark, the good and the bad that only a few understood.
But it was in the midst of darkness where Marsha found Jesus. She experienced firsthand the power of His name and His blood. From demonic visits to a violent murder, she held onto His Words through fear, doubt, rebellion, and when it didn't make sense.
What she learned was that regardless of the depth of your struggles, He is with you. He will truly never forsake you, even while in the clutches of hell.