You know when you can have one those days at the office? You spill coffee on your keyboard, the finance director goes on an expenses rampage and then, before you know it, your favourite author is murdered. Don't you just hate when that happens?
When Samantha Clair decides to publish journalist Kit Lovell's tell-all book on the death of fashion-designer Rodrigo Alemán, she can scarcely imagine the dangers ahead. Cue a rollercoaster ride into the dark realms of fashion, money-laundering and murder, armed with nothing but her e-reader and her trusty stock of sarcasm.
You know how you can have those days at the office? You spill your coffee on your keyboard, the finance director goes on an expenses rampage and then, before you know it, one of your favourite authors is murdered. Don’t you hate when that happens?
How could this be happening? I have a quiet, placid life, and I enjoy it that way. Well, I did. Until I signed Kit Lovell to write a tell-all book on the murder of fashion designer Rodrigo Alemán, and all hell broke loose.
So now, all I have to contend with is money-laundering, and a detective investigating a violent death - and me. Oh, and my mother’s suggestion of a bit of creative breaking-and-entering.
So starts Sam Clair’s week. Outwardly conformist, with an inner Joan Rivers, Sam finds herself on a roller-coaster ride through the worlds of publishing and fashion. And publishing and violent death. Can she hold them at bay armed with nothing more than an e-reader, a profit-and-loss sheet and her trusty stock of sarcasm and over-wrought-irony?