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Problem Solving and Program Design in C (Hanly, Jeri R. / Koffman, Elliot B.)
Problem Solving and Program Design in C
Autor Hanly, Jeri R. / Koffman, Elliot B.
Verlag Addison Wesley
Sprache Englisch
Einband Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Erscheinungsjahr 2002
Seiten 112 S.
Artikelnummer 1079351
ISBN 978-0-201-75490-2
Auflage 3. A.
Ausstattung/Verpackung Mit CD-ROM
CHF 138.70
Keine Besorgung (mehr) möglich
This edition includes an updated "On to C++" chapter, a copy of Borland's Enterprise C compiler and a new appendix on how to set-up and use this compiler. This text maintains its classic features such as the gradual introduction of pointers and the connection between problem solving skills and effective software development. It features early coverage of functions, logical operators and operators with side effects.